About HPL
Hydrogen gas inhalation therapy
" When you grow up you tend to get told that the world is the way it is and your life is just to live your life inside the world. Try not to bash into the walls too much. Try to have a nice family life, have fun, save a little money. That’s a very limited life. Life can be much broader once you discover one simple fact: Everything around you that you call life was made up by people that were no smarter than you. And you can change it, you can influence it… Once you learn that, you’ll never be the same again. ” – Steve Jobs
HHO inhalation gas therapy
When you are on HHO inhalation gas therapy. You consume 66.7% H2 and 33.3% O2, at a very high concentration of Hydrogen at 670,000 ppm (this ppm is unattainable by either drinking Hydrogen/Alkaline water, with intra-venous route or tablets )which is nontoxic and effective, Inhalation of hydrogen reaches a peak plasma level (i.e. equilibrium based on Henry’s Law) in about 30 min, and upon cessation of inhalation the return to baseline occurs in about 60 min.
It is uncommon to find a treatment that has both a high therapeutic potential and a high safety profile; HHO (hydrogen) appears to fit this combination . Some researchers have become interested in hydrogen simply due to its unforeseen ability to have a biological effect; with the unattainable that hydrogen is both safe and effective.
Research shows HHO (hydrogen) has the potential to exhibits these effects:
- Anti-Inflammatory Effects
- Smallest, most bioavailable molecule in existence
- Participates in Gene Expression
- Anti-Allergic Effects
- Anti-Aging
- Reduces aches and pains
- Protective to skin
- Cardioprotective
- With zero toxic effects
- Increases Metabolism
- Increases Body’s Antioxidants (Nrf2 activator)
- Decreases Muscle Fatigue
- Reduces Lactate Levels
- Anti-Diabetic Effects (type 1 and 2) Type 1, Type 2,
- Anticancer
- Protects DNA & RNA
- Anti-Tumor Effects
- Cytotoxic Protection
- Neuroprotective
- Radiation Protection
Based on scientific studies/evidence, hydrogen gas therapy has the potential to benefit:
Alzheimer’s , arthritis , rheumatoid arthritis , Type 1 diabetes , Type 2 diabetes , Parkinson’s , COPD , asthma , heart disease , kidney disease , stroke , cancer , tumors , ALS , dementia , psoriasis , dermatitis , IBS , hemorrhagic shock , Crohn’s , fatty liver disease , liver cirrhosis , pancreatitis , cardiac arrest , neuropathy , Multiple Sclerosis , Hepatitis B , atherosclerosis , cataracts , hypertension , gum disease , traumatic brain injury , sepsis , subarachnoid hemorrhage (aneurysms) , infant lung disease , metabolic syndrome , lymphoma , retinitis , painful bladder syndrome , osteosclerosis , osteoarthritis , osteoporosis , glaucoma , pulmonary hypertension , pulmonary fibrosis , autism , depression , bipolar disorder , anxiety , schizophrenia , inflammation , muscle fatigue , increased ATP production , soft tissue injuries , pain , wounds , burns , seasonal allergies , autoimmune disorders , insulin resistance , hearing loss , ulcers , radiation damage , sleep apnea , to name just a few as there are studies on over 170 human disease models
HHO (Hydrogen’s gas inhalation therapy ) therapeutic potential is enormous and the research is still in its infancy. It’s not every day that a therapeutic agent like this comes along with this much scientific backing and medical potential. On top of that, one of the most effective ways of consuming it is simple via INHALATION .
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